How To Prepare The Best Dissertation Defense Presentation

A defense for your dissertation is one unique and uncertain task to do. There cannot be any perfect defense but a different one. What determine your defense is your wish and willpower to make it unparallel. The evaluation committee may randomly select one line from your thesis and put it out for analysis and dissection, it is upto you how well you defend your point and with what degree. A dissertation is a culmination of many years of study and introspection. Below are given some useful hints which you can utilise for your own purpose:

  • The presentation- the presentation should be taken seriously as it would be a great opportunity to portray your work. The slides of this presentation must be made at least a month prior to the date when you present your defense. The span within which you will orally present your defense should not go beyond 20 minutes. Never compromise on the quality of your oral presentation unless you have inordinate love for fillers.
  • Read your own dissertation for the nth time- rereading your own dissertation would have you scan all those nooks and crannies where errors might be located. The theoretical portion of your draft is fraught with definitions and established facts and it is this portion that generates most number of doubts or questions.
  • Summarizing my dissertation- after you have finished rereading do not forget to summarize each and every page or concept or topic in one or two lines. You may not have to refer to this summary once you start your presentation but this activity will stimulate your grey matter on higher levels and you would be able to realize more areas of doubt.
  • Doing what the committee requires -you should be aligned to what the committee wants to see in your dissertation and that is how you should be able to address their questions. The loose ends of topic must have rational explanation.
  • Be the antenna- most of the times the committee members divulge their questions in advance. This is usually not done in an obvious manner but discreetly. And when you are extra prudent and vigilant can you understand their basic questions or areas of doubt.
  • A slide for miscellaneous items- in case you find some relevant papers add them on slides so that you can buy yourself some time as you answer the questions.
  • List relevant reference- jot down only those sources which determine your paper.