10 Great Topics To Write Your Marketing Dissertation On

Once you reach the final year of your marketing program, you will learn that you will be required to write a dissertation. A dissertation is a large and important research paper that is designed to prove that you have a strong grasp on your subject. It is probably one of the most intense papers that you will have to write in your life unless you decide to publish a book in the future.

The best way to succeed at this very trying task is to get started early. That means you have to decide on a solid topic that you want to write about. You will probably be asked to write a dissertation proposal before too long. This is where you will present your topic and get approval from the board as to whether or not you can continue.

The idea behind giving a proposal is to prove to the board that you will be able to write a solid dissertation on the topic that you have chosen. Some students have to go through this process several times and that means extra work. If you have a solid topic to begin with all you have to worry about is finding some great sources to present it and you are golden. In your proposal, you will be expected to show some sources that you can use to prove it so be sure to keep a good track of your sources as you start to develop your topic.

  1. What motivates loyalty schemes?
  2. How can a business cope with customers who are not loyal to their brand?
  3. Do customers respect a company’s brand value? Use Target
  4. Is brand image affected by the availability of a product?
  5. Will short or long term offers affect the customer’s response?
  6. Can direct marketing create long term customers?
  7. Do language barriers affect brand loyalty?
  8. Is there a motivating factor that consumers use to pass on marketing messages?
  9. Do different genders process information differently?
  10. How can firms customize their products to gain a competitive advantage?

These are a few of the different marketing topics that you can write your dissertation on. Feel free to use one of these ideas for your paper or use them to come up with your own topic. Be sure to choose rather quickly in the process so that you have a lot of time for your research, writing, and editing.
